UCM (Unzipped Classical Music) Club provides members a private concert hall to enjoy exclusive masterful performances of Tchaikovsky Competition Winner Andrei Gavrilov.
Any enthusiast of an independent recording label UCM who has donated at least 100 Swiss Francs for its development can become a permanent member of the club.
By Becoming a member of the club:
You will both listen to, and learn musical masterworks by great classical and serious musical composers through the hands of a true artistic originalist, philosopher, and master interpreter of the piano literature. Additionally members will join a unique community where they can explore through the mind and spirit of Andrei the mind, and spirits of the composers, as well as sharing the art and culture that shaped these composers’ creative souls. Some of these works may be largely unknown today to the general listening public, but are nonetheless beloved masterpieces which Andrei knows and believes must be shared with the world. As such, our most important mission is to help Andrei to create a new musical heritage series, as well as a harbor for his wellspring of amazing insights which will be shared with members through exclusive video performances and accompanying lectures. All funds collected by the club will go to furthering this mission to an ever higher level through the creation of new sound recordings which are also available to club members.
Rather than casting this community in the mold of the usual tired musical business model, this club will attempt to broaden the horizons of current classical listeners while also, at the same time, working to expand the classical serious musical audience. After all, Andrei desires to increase cultural awareness of these masterworks in a world sorely ignoring, and found wanting in the knowledge of, much of its true western cultural musical heritage. But he doesn’t want to do it alone – he wants this community to help him found a new classical world and cultural experience alongside him in which everyone shares in his revitalization and discovery of the beauty and soul of serious music.
By paying the club membership fee, members will have access for a year to all the exclusive creative club creations of Andrei Gavrilov namely:
high-quality digital music available exclusively on the well secured and virus protected UCM Publishing website
all lectures exclusively on the UCM Publishing website – all unavailable from other sources
access to the club’s members-only Facebook page with exclusive "live" communication with Andrei

UCM Club members
can get AG Music up to 50% off
The charter of the voluntary
non-profit community-club UCM
UCM - what does this stand for, and why was this name chosen?
Music is still the best thing, even in our modern computer era, where data is encoded and stored as "archived" data in "compressed music files".
Music is a universal code that stores feelings, emotions, thoughts, pictures, philosophical messages, and much more, that the composer puts into music. The task of the performer is "decipher, unpack" and convey to the listener all that is encoded into musical messages. The “Unzipped” in unzipped classical was derived from the name “Winzip”, one of the earliest and most widely adopted programs created to archive (an encoded formatting conversion) data files by compressing or “packing” them into smaller files that could be easily shared by other users. Using this same program, recipients of the file would decompress the data (recover and translate back to its original format), a process called “unpacking” in order to decipher, or view, the contents of the file. So analogously we look at music as a method of archiving the living composer’s soul via musical “files”, only in the case of serious, or, if you will, classical, music, this archiving is much more versatile - hence the name UCM, Unzipped Classical Music.
Privileges for members
of the UCM club community
What are the advantages to be a member of the club?
Access to the FB page
Access to all materials on the publisher's website for 100 Swiss franc per year
1. General Provisions.
1.1 This subject of these provisions is an entity termed the “club”. The activities of the club are carried out by members who freely volunteer their time, unsupervised.
1.2 The operation of the club is fundamentally self-governed, voluntary in nature, and its organization calls for all members treated on an equal basis. The club is committed to legality and transparency.
1.3 Membership of the club is provided by proper receipt and acceptance by club council members of a written application submitted by each new member.
1.4 The managerial body or “Board” of the club is called the “Council of the Club”, (headed by the founding Chairman), and its members, except for the founding Chairman, are elected from the members of the club. The Board includes the treasurer, who keeps records of incoming funds and their expenditure in accordance with approved estimates for events, and reports the payables and receivables to the general membership of the club (in the case of fundraising).
2. Direction of activities and tasks of the club
2.1 Direction of the club’s activity - Creation of stable funding body to successfully produce the greatest number possible, funds permitting, of classical music records created and performed by Andrei Gavrilov. The club further seeks to accomplish: Popularization of new methods thru reading musical texts, methods of understanding music by listeners at a higher level than "passive perception," and the education of new pedagogical forces with a new understanding of music and performer's tasks. Additionally, the club seeks to elevate the artistic level of the culture of singing and listening to music. This will be accomplished though notes and literary and philosophical texts about music, made available to the club members and constantly added to, maintained, refined, and updated by Council.
2.2 Club is tasked with changing the established narrative, the entrenched ideas of the general Classical listenership, to try to increase the listenership of people from the general mass population who love, or could love, and want to more deeply understand serious music; to help listeners understand, through provided samples of live classical music, masterfully interpreted and analyzed, that there is no barrier between classical music and the broadest masses of music lovers. The club is further tasked help remove, through its provided content and activities, the "barriers" that exist and have heretofore existed between classical music and the widest possible range of music lovers; to try and reverse by attitude, education, and example those things that caused, and further contribute to, the long-term stagnation of the world of classical music.
3. Rights and duties of club members
3.1 Members of the club have the right to:
Elect or be elected to the Club Council;
Take all possible participation in all activities of the club.
3.2. To remain Membership in the club, one must :
Take active part in its activity;
Adhere to the requirements of this Charter;
Observe the norms of morality and ethics of conduct (maintain Respectful relationship between club members – this means that no introduction or furtherance of conflicts, or rudeness will be tolerated.) . Breach of these rules by members will result in their expulsion from membership at the discretion of the club founder.
Pay required membership fees for the needs of the club (the minimum amount is determined through a vote by all members of the club).
Note – Requests made for refunds of Fees by members of the club expelled for breach due to club rule violations as noted above will not be honored.
4. Control over the activities of the club
4.1. Control over the activities of the club is managed by the club.
4.2. Control over the funds (in case of their receipt) is carried out by the Club Council.
4.3. The overall management of the club is carried out by the head of the voluntary association.
5. Creation and termination of the club.
5.1 The club is created subject to decisions of the club’s voting members.
5.2 The Club shall cease its activities in accordance with a majority vote by club members to Terminate the club.
5.3. The executive management of the club council is carried out by the Chairman of the club.
Work plan for the year.
Membership of the ClubCouncil (chairman, secretary (treasurer), 3 members of the Council).
List of members of the club (association): - f. and about.
The charter of the club. 5. emblem (logo).
If funds are received:
a notebook for recording cash inflows(membership fees, etc.),
cost estimates for each activity.

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